Below are a few snaps of our annual on-farm sheep sale We first held this in 2019 and in 2020 for the 1st time we were able to offer online bidding through Beatties Livestock/MartEye.
Our 2023 sale is scheduled for Saturday the 29th July. The below will give you an idea of the set up and the type of sheep we have on offer. Photos and details of the 2023 sheep will be online here closer to the time.
We hope to have c.1200 gimmers for this years sale, mainly Suffolk X Cheviot Mules, Suffolk X Cheviots, with some Suffolk X Half Breds, 200 Cheviot Mules, Mules, Suffolk Mules, Texel x and Pure Texels.
We also have approx 80 Suffolk Shearling tups coming forward for the 2022 sale, these will all have been used on our Cheviot Mule ewes this year.
Ring set up.
Returning from the ring.
Plenty of studying going on here.
Its a family affair with our eldest daughter Mya seen her enjoying her work.
Our pens of Suffolk X Gimmers, most pens are 10/12 ewes per pen.
Cheviot Mules leaving the ring.