Jalex Suffolk Flock
We bought our first Suffolks in 2017 with the aim of trying to breed the type of tups that we had found so hard to source. The first sheep were a batch of mixed age ewes from Allanshaws, after we admired their Shearlings in Kelso. These were real meaty, black, silky haired ewes with tremendous skins - just what we were after. We then purchased three in-lamb ewes from the Brijon Flock, ewes with power, tight skins and great heads.
At the Highland Show 2018 we spotted a ewe lamb shown by Strathbogie, a ewe lamb with real lift and character, she had the power and skin we wanted and we subsequently purchased and shortly thereafter flushed her. The two tup lambs from said flush made £6100 and £1800 at our on farm sale in 2020, we have a super ewe gimmer from the same flush retained and 3 cracking lambs for our 2021 sale.
Also in 2018 we bought a much admired Forkins ewe lamb in the Dark Daimonds sale in 2018 to add to the flock, again the same type, carcass, skin and lift.
We first met Hazel Martindale after buying Landale The Gambler in Carlisle in 2018. After several visits to Land Farm we were blown away by her flock, the character, the depth of bodies, the colours, the skins, all whilst maintaining the power and bone in her ewes. She had the best flock of Suffolks we had ever seen, a lifetime of breeding and a type of sheep that had a clear 'Landale’ stamp on them. In August 2020 Hazel gave us an opportunity that we couldn’t refuse and we were able to purchase 80 of her flock to join the rest of The Jalex Flock. This gives us a real base of ewes to move forward and produce with and enables us to be able to keep a closed flock of ewes in the future. The photos below show some of the ewes in the flock.
Strathbogie ewe lamb after being purchased at The RHS 2018.
Forkins ewe lamb purchased in November 2019.
Strathbogie ewe lamb after being purchased at The RHS 2018.